Combined Bachelor Course with Computer Science
The combined Bachelor course system has replaced the Magister degree at the FU Berlin.
Major and Minor(s)
In the combined Bachelor course, students can combine a major from the humanities or social sciences with Computer Science as a 60 or 30 credits minor.
The combined Bachelor course of 180 credits (cr) is a combination of
- a 90 cr major,
- a 60 cr minor or two 30 cr minors, and
- generell job preparation ("Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung") accounting for 30 credits
Computer Science may be a 60 cr minor or a 30 cr minor.
- The Department has released new study and examination regulations which most probably will enter into force from the winter semester 07/08.
- The currently valid study and examination regulations for Computer Science as a 60 cr minor or a 30 cr minor.
Language Skills