Talk@Urania Berlin
Prof. Wählisch was invited to give a presentation at the Urania. He will talk about "The Internet of (small) Things. The upcoming IT revolution". Since over 125 years, Urania Berlin has established itself as one of the leading centers of dialog between science, the humanities and the public.
News from Jan 15, 2019
With a long tradition of over 125 years, Urania Berlin has established itself as one of the leading centers of dialog between science, the humanities and the public, and is today a renown society well beyond the borders of Germany. Every day Urania disseminates new first-hand knowledge, covering a wide range of scientific fields ranging from anthropology to zoology. Leading scientists deliver lectures and talks in their areas of research and on a general level of understanding for a broad audience. Urania provides its visitors with access to knowledge on the latest discoveries in scientific research and facilitates dialogue between science and the public.