Paper accepted at ACM IMC'18
Our paper on measuring the Certificate Transparency (CT) ecosystem was accepted for publication at ACM Internet Mesaurement Conference 2018. The conference is sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM. IMC 2018 is the 18th in a series of highly successful Internet Measurement Workshops and Conferences.
News from Aug 20, 2018
- Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Theodor Nolte, Johanna Amann, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem,
In: Proc. of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), New York: ACM, 2018. accepted for publication
The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) is a highly selective venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications. The focus of IMC 2018 will be on research that improves the practice of network measurement, illuminates some facet of an operational network, or both. We encourage authors to discuss the implications of their results to future research and/or to operations. We also encourage authors to discuss representativeness and limitations of their work due to coverage of their measurements across space and time.