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Context and Setting

The workshop on »Visualization Review and Critique« was offered by the HCC Data Lab as part of the »Visualizing Open Access Summer School« that took place between 6 - 17 September 2021. The summer school was organized as a cooperation between Fachhochschule Potsdam (UCLAB), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin School of Library and Information Science), Freie Universität Berlin (HCC Research Group) and the Open-Access-Büro Berlin acting on behalf of the BMBF funded project open-access.network as well as the Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access in Brandenburg. Due to the pandemic restrictions, the summer school took place online.

The two-week program offered lectures and workshops on topics relating to open access and open research, a lecture by Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn on how to successfully conduct a data visualization project as well as two keynotes by Johanna Drucker on »Modeling Chronology and Temporality« and Sonja Schimmler on »Research Knowledge Graphs and their Visualization«. The lectures and workshops offered during the course of the summer school were designated to enable the participants to work on and successfully complete their own data visualization project. At the beginning of the first week, the participants were introduced to the dataset that they were invited to work with in their hands-on projects, the »Bundesländer-Atlas Open Access«. During their project work, the teams were mentored by the members of the organizing team that brought together a variety of expertise.