Method Reflection & Toolboxes
We continuously engage in Method Reflection through several activities, including internal meetings as well as external workshops with non-technical or technical stakeholders and audiences. We perceive these activities as a space for in-depth knowledge exchange on existing HCI methods as well as a way to familiarize ourselves with novel research approaches.
In order to systematically document methods and research approaches that are fundamental for the HCC research group, we prepare and publish corresponding Toolboxes. The Toolboxes can be used in interdisciplinary research projects and teaching as well as by external stakeholders after being published as Open Educational Resources. The development of the Toolboxes thus has three primary objectives and target groups.
Firstly, the Toolboxes provide researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds who are active in the HCC Research Group with an easy-to-understand overview and introduction to each research method and approach.
Secondly, the Toolboxes convey methods, epistemological interests and research processes that are commonly used in our group to stakeholders from other backgrounds. This includes, for example, researchers from non-technical disciplines with whom we are collaborating or intend to collaborate. The Toolboxes aim to create a common ground and understanding in regards to our epistemological as well as methodological approach. They also seek to enable other researchers to implement the presented methods in their own research.
Thirdly, the Toolboxes are intended to support teaching efforts, both as part of the regular curriculum at Freie Universität and in formats such as summer schools. They provide students with critical and reflexive methodological competence and guidance, for example, when conducting their Bachelor's and especially Master's projects at our group.
The content of the Toolboxes are being developed and tested in the HCC Data Lab in close cooperation with the researchers of the HCC Research Group.