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CliniScale Logo

CliniScale Logo

Fixed weekly project meeting



Project goals

In cooperation with the company Courage & Khazaka GmbH and proDERM Institut für Angewandte Dermatologische Forschung GmbH, the Databases and Information Systems Group is developing a system for conducting cosmetic and clinical studies in the population. The system is to include a mobile application coupled with portable medical sensors and will enable the measurement of data from volunteers in their everyday life.

Project description

The CliniScale project enables cosmetic and clinical studies to be conducted in the population. Subjects will test cosmetic and clinical products under real conditions in order to provide the test centres with insights into the real use and effect under real circumstances.

The system consists of a web service for the preparation, dissemination and evaluation of studies. First, a study is created using the web service and distributed to the participating test persons. In their everyday life the test persons use the mobile application to record their study diary, to answer questionnaires or to perform measurements with special CliniScale sensors. The results of the studies are evaluated live in the web service or after completion of a study.


  • Courage + Khazaka electronics GmbH
  • proDERM GmbH - Institute for Applied Dermatological Research

Current and finished theses

  • Bachelorabeit von Janosch Stephan
  • Bachelor Thesis of Iman Nouri Namini
  • Bachelor Thesis of Florian Braun

  • Master Thesis of Oliver Junk
    Development of cryptographic protocols for the secure tranfer of medical data between web services and smartphones
  • Bachelor Thesis of Adel Golghalyani
  • Master Thesis of Salim Gnaoui
  • Bachelor Thesis of Jeremias Gayer
    Creating a Cross-Platform Application with Existing Android and iOS Low-Fidelity Prototypes Using User-Centered Design
  • Bachelor Thesis of Timo Saddig
  • Bachelor Thesis of Khan Bui Trong

We're still looking for

  • Students who want to write a final thesis (Bachelor thesis) in the field of migration of mobile applications to React or Flutter


Mail to nicolas.lehmann[at]fu-berlin.de


  • CliniScale, clinical, trials, population, cosmetics, mobile, application