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Address: Takustr. 9, Room 109, 14195 Berlin

Assisstence office: Ms. Stefanie Bahe, +49 30 838 75212, stefanie.bahe [at] fu-berlin.de

Webex: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/webappng/sites/fu-berlin/dashboard/pmr/gerhard.wunder

Phone: +49 30 838 61931

Email: g.wunder [at] fu-berlin.de

Office hour: Monday: 14-15pm, Thursday: 14-15pm

How to reach us:

  • From U3 Dahlem-Dorf station:
    7 to 10 minutes of walking

  • from U9 Rathaus Steglitz station:
    Take the Bus X83 and leave the bus at "Arnimallee" stop

  • from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Station):
    You can take any west-bound S-bahn to arrive at station "Zoologischer Garten"
    You take the U9 in the direction of "Rathaus Steglitz" and leave at the last stop "Rathaus Steglitz"
    and then
    You take the bus X83 and leave  at the bus stop "Arnimallee"

Further information:

Please send us an email before visiting us