import sys import commands import re home = "../../" memusage = home + "bin/memusage/" errFile = "err.txt" reads = home + "data/SRR006387.fastq_1.00000" ref = home + "data/chr22.fa" iterations = 5 bin = home + "bin/razers3OA" args = "-id -v -i 96 -o delete.txt" def processTime(timeout): m0 ='real\s+(\d+)m(\d+\.\d+)s', timeout) m1 ='user\s+(\d+)m(\d+\.\d+)s', timeout) m2 ='sys\s+(\d+)m(\d+\.\d+)s', timeout) minutesReal = int( secondsReal = float( + 60 * minutesReal minutes = int( + int( seconds = float( + float( + 60 * minutes return (seconds, secondsReal) def processMem(memout): m ='heap peak: (\d+)', memout) return int( def timeAndMem(cmd): #wrap time and mem around command cmd = "time " + memusage + " " + cmd + " 2> " + errFile # measure the time several times and get average sum = 0 sumReal = 0 for i in range(iterations): out = commands.getoutput(cmd) (t, tReal) = processTime(out) sum += t sumReal += tReal print("time: " + str(sum / iterations) + " sec (real: " + str(sumReal / iterations) + " sec)") # memory usage stays the same only need to get it once memout = commands.getoutput("cat " + errFile + " | grep Memory") myBytes = processMem(memout) print("mem: " + str(myBytes) + " bytes") def runScript(): print("ref: " + ref + ", reads: " + reads + "\n") loadFactors = ["1.6", "1.8", "2.0"] qs = [] for i in [11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23]: qs.append("1" * i) for lf in loadFactors: for q in qs: cmd = bin + " " + args + " -s " + q + " -lf " + lf + " " + ref + " " + reads print("==========================\nq: " + str(len(q)) + ", loadfactor: " + lf) #print(cmd) timeAndMem(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': runScript()