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BibTex in CompMolBio
Page BibTex BibTex is used for citing references in lyx and latex. Maintenance All references we use will be maintained in CiteULike Our group there is called:...
BibTexTest in CompMolBio
Page BibTexTest These are some example references , , . Very nice. And here the math capabilities: %$ E=mc^2 $% \mathcal N(\mu, \sigma^2) \sim \frac {1}{\sigma\s…
BicycleRepairman in CompMolBio
Page BicycleRepairman Bicycle Repairman is an automation tool for scientific simulations. Find it on github.
BornRadii in CompMolBio
Page BornRadii This pages list the necessary steps to calculate ”perfect” GB radii for a structure given as PDB * generate a PQR file for the structure (usin…
4 topic(s) found
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