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MCRazerToDo in ABI
MCRazerToDo 1 For Herrn Kleffe: * script to parallelize by reads with normal version * don't do all reads at a time: go over contig with some read …
May2011 in ABI
Page May2011 Progress report Accomplishments in the last six months: General: * CNV detection in exome sequencing developed R/C HMM script for finding win…
MethylationMapping in ABI
Multi Split Mapping of NGS reads for variant detection Student Sabrina Krakau Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Knut Reinert, Anne Katrin Emde Expose The goal …
ModifiedTrypticMasses in ABI
Computing masses of modified peptides (Email Hartmut Schlüter) Das Tool soll in der Lage sein die Massen von tryptischen Peptiden zu berechnen, die definierte Mod…
MultiReadAssignment in ABI
Solving the Multi read assignment problem Description This thesis should provide new ideas to solve the problem of multi read assignment for NGS data. Based on…
MultiReadAssignments in ABI
Page MultiReadAssignments This project will check the quality of mapper(s) concerning the multi reads assignment. Schedule * Generate random sequence OR get …
MultiSplitMappingNGS in ABI
Multi Split Mapping of NGS reads for variant detection Student Kathrin Trappe Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Knut Reinert, Anne Katrin Emde Expose The goal …
MultipleAlignment in ABI
Vorlesung Bitte lesen Sie das Skript vor der Vorlesung durch. Skript: * multipleAlignment.pdf Literatur: * Sequence Comparison Kapitel 5 * Sequence Com…
MultipleAlignmentWS11 in ABI
Vorlesung Bitte lesen Sie das Skript vor der Vorlesung durch. Skript: * multal.pdf
MultipleAlignmentWS12 in ABI
Page MultipleAlignmentWS12 Vorlesung Bitte lesen Sie das Skript vor der Vorlesung durch. Skript: * multal.pdf * tcoffee.pdf Videos: * Vorlesungsvideo …
MultipleAlignmentWS13 in ABI
Page MultipleAlignmentWS13 Vorlesung Skript: * multal1.pdf: multal1.pdf * multal2.pdf: multal2.pdf Videos: Übungen: Inhalt Datei Material Ach…
MultipleAlignmentWS14 in ABI
Page MultipleAlignmentWS14 Vorlesung Skript: * script Videos: Hier das Vorlesungsvideo aus 2012 zu TCoffee. Inhalt Datei Material achte Übung A…
12 topic(s) found
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