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BScBlastInSeqAn in ABI
BScBlastInSeqAn A study comparing the classic NCBI BLAST implementation with a straightforward implementation in SeqAn. * Project Page Background BLAST 1 i…
BScBlastInSeqAnProject in ABI
Eine vergleichende Studie von BLAST Algorithmen Aufgabenstellung BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Tool) ist das bekannteste Programm zur Identifizierung von lokalen …
BScDataStructureSV in ABI
BScDataStructureSV SNP efficient Journal Strings Einleitung In den letzten 10 Jahren hat sich die Technologie zur Sequenzierung der DNS von Organismen kolossal v…
BScEfficientExactMotifDiscovery in ABI
BScEfficientExactMotifDiscovery Implementation of an existing motif discovery algorithm in SeqAn. Background The goal of motif "finding is the detection of novel…
BScGenAlignGraphs in ABI
BScGenAlignGraphs Comparing graphs for genome alignment of multiple sequences under the presence of large structural events. Schedule Moritz Finishing Date
BScParallelBamIO in ABI
BScParallelBamIO Implementation of parallel de /compression of BAM files. * Parallel Bam I/O Schedule/Report Background BAM 1 files are used for storing ali…
BScParallelBamIOScheduleProject in ABI
BScParallelBamIOScheduleProject Implementation of parallel de /compression of BAM files Project Schedule Tasks 1) Extract the compression and decompression in…
BScReadRealignment in ABI
BScReadRealignment Comparing short read realignment algorithms. Background Read alignment is a crucial step for the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) …
BeamerCalendars in ABI
OUTDATED! Go to: https://wikis.fu Beamer Calendars * Beamer Calendar General (beamer for lending/public use, if need be) * Be…
BetterEnglish in ABI
Polish Up Your English * Oxford Dictionaries: Better Writing * Oxford Dictionaries: Grammar * Oxford Dictionaries: Punctuation
BeverageOrder in ABI
OUTDATED! Do not use. Page BeverageOrder We plan to regularly order beverages and others from Please fill in your orders and give t…
BiBWTApps in ABI
MSc Thesis The birectional BWT and its applications Topic TODO Journal * 2014 09 15: I read up on templates, forked the official seqan repository, set Ecli…
BlastX in ABI
BlastX Diese Seite stellt das Wiki zur BlastX Implementierung von Hannes Hauswedel dar. Zusammenfassung BLASTX ist ein Programm zum Finden von Nucleotid Sequenze…
BoSSADraft in ABI
Page BoSSADraft This page describes the current draft of a Benchmark of Seeds for Sequence Analysis. Sources of inspiration are Rabema, PAPI and Pizza Chili Corpu…
BowtieBwaComparison in ABI
Ich habe mir schon einmal ein paar Gedanken zu meinem Projekt gemacht und würde gerne einen Vergleich von bwa Burrows Wheeler Alignment Tool und dem Bowtie ans…
BscImprovementsOfGraphBasedRealignment in ABI
BscImprovementsOfGraphBasedRealignment Improving the Graph Based Realignment in SeqAn. Background The SeqAn library contains a powerful method for realignment an…
BscKmerBinCounting in ABI
Implementing and evaluating different strategies to assign the set of k mers in a NGS sample to genomic bins Background For metagenomics read mapping it becomes …
BscPlagiarismApp in ABI
Implementation of an IOS app to compare documents and visualize common paragraphs using a local alignment software. Background The goal of this thesis is to adap…
BscRawSeqJournaling in ABI
BscRawSeqJournaling BSc Thesis: Journaling raw sequences. Weekly Progress Introduction Nowadays sequencing technologies lead to a tremendous number of available…
BscRegionFilter in ABI
BscRegionFilter Possible Project for a BSc Thesis in Bioinformatics or Computer Science Introduction
BscSeqAn010Seeds in ABI
Implementing 01*0 seed search strategy using the bidirectional FM index in SeqAn Background Approximate string matching is an important subtask in many bioinform…
BscSeqAnAlphabetReduction in ABI
BscSeqAnAlphabetReduction ((short description what this page is about)) introduction
BscSeqAnAppInBrowser in ABI
BscSeqAnAppInBrowser Possible Project for a BSc Thesis in Bioinformatics or Computer Science Introduction Since modern web browsers are used for all kinds of tas…
BscSeqAnOpenMSPeptideIndexer in ABI
Peptide Indexer using SeqAn and OpenMS Background In Proteomics one subtask for Peptide ID is to search peptide sequences in protein databases. This thesis shall…
BscTreeBasedMapAlignment in ABI
BscTreeBasedMapAlignment B.Sc. topic proposal in high throughput proteomics Focus * Programming: ** * Math: ** * Biology: * Introduction LC MS data i…
25 topic(s) found
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