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ADPcomplete in CompMolBio
Page ADPcomplete Analysis of complete ADP trajectory (open and closed combined) * fig.jpg: * stationary distribution over lag time: * Implie…
ATPcomplete in CompMolBio
Page ATPcomplete Analysis of complete ATP trajectory (open and closed) * first 40000 steps belong to open state, rest to closed: * stationary dist…
AktinAnalysis in CompMolBio
Page AktinAnalysis TODO Person Task State Martin calculation of electrostatic potential map of (closed_atp_dimer, closed_atp),( closed_adp_dim…
ArashTodo in CompMolBio
Structure Diploma Thesis Arash Introduction Theory Inverse Problems and Bayes Ansatz Markov chains, Markov property Forward Backward and Expectation Maximiza…
EnergyErrorEstimation in CompMolBio
Page EnergyErrorEstimation We propose a new approximatiom to analytically predict errors in energy differences. The underlying probability of transitions between …
PSeminar in CompMolBio
Page PSeminar Future schedule TPT, Coarse grained Flow, PinWW Frank HMM SDE and HMM VAR …
ResultsAdaptiveFindNewStates in CompMolBio
Page ResultsAdaptiveFindNewStates Details about using the advanced sampling to find new states in the system as fast as possible. MR121 GSGSW We used the setup w…
SoftwareFramework in CompMolBio
Software Framework for Time Series Analysis / Phase Profiler Overview SoftwareFramework_Mindmap.pdf: Mindmap of ideas for Software Framework Goal This project a…
TorstenTodo in CompMolBio
Diplomarbeit Torsten Lüdge Theory Inverse Problems and Bayes Ansatz FRET Trajectory estimation: Window method, Optimal Random Walk (Probability to Obse…
WebStatistics in CompMolBio
Statistics for CompMolBio Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload…
10 topic(s) found