Page PSeminar

Future schedule

TPT, Coarse-grained Flow, PinWW Frank  
HMM-SDE and HMM-VAR (math and MetaMacs implementation in Metamacs) Martin F.  
OpenGL Visualisation Framework Martin F. and Martin H.  

Possible next presentations

Report of research on CG Model Stefan ?
Paper / ideas of Hao (Frank, please fill in the details) Hao ?


The P-Seminar is a special seminar. It is arranged to discuss open questions, which are related to our research activities, and to improve the knownledge of every participant. So instead of having rigirous talks or presentations, the seminar is organized in an open manner. For each seminar we have a certain discussion topic. One or two of the participants have some advanced knowledge in this topic and will present some essential facts. Discussions and questions concerning the presented fact, methods etc. are allowed at any time.

Some rules:

If you want to know, where to P in P-Seminar stems from, just join us smile

As a little hint: πόρνη

Previous seminars

Derivation of Fokker-Planck-Equation from Langevin equation

(Arash, please fill in)

Trajectory-"Generator" based on transition matrix, given states and assigned parameters for stochastic differential equation


Basic concepts of Ito-formalism (stochastic integration)

Arash, please fill in
