Short Overview

The practical exercises for the lecture Optimization won't be programming exercises. Mostly you have to get familiar with an LP Solver, try to solve LPs and understand the results.


For each exercise you can score 3 Points:

3 Pts = program runs without errors
2 Pts = program contains small errors
1 Pts = program contains critical errors
0 Pts = no program submitted

There will be code reviews on each friday after the deadlines.

Exercise 1

You have to solve the exercises given in sheet 1 using MATLAB and glpk as a solver.

Send me your files via mail until Wednesday, 4. January 2017, 8:00 am.

Exercise 2: Flux Balance Analysis

Deadline: *Wednesday, 18. January 2017, 8:00 am.

Write a program that:

Exercise 3: n-Queens Problem

Deadline: 1.2.2017, 8:00 p.m.

Write a program that solves the n-Queens Problem:

Place as much queens as possible on a n x n chess board such that no two queens interfere. Thus: … is only one queen allowed.

Use MATLAB and glpk.

Write a function board = nQueens(n) that gives you a n x n matrix where the entries are 0 or 1. A 1 deontes that a queen was placed in the corresponding field.