Page ProgressReportHu-05-2011

The purpose of this page is to make a schedule for my research progress and work plan for the next six months or more.

Work performed last 6 months

Construct a probabilistic model for getting a stronger bound of a resolving set in SRG

Implement new algorithms in graph canonization

Comparison of the running time with the benchmark package Nauty

Finish several parts on the manuscript

Plans for next 6 months

Metric dimension problem (elaborate the paper, submit?)

Investigation of detecting functional modules in PPI networks(network comparison and approaches based on Ideker framework)

Formulate pairwise global alignment of networks and Construct searching algorithm for high-scoring alignments

Collecting experimental evidents of interaction in networks(expression profile etc.) and construct probabilistic interaction networks

Draw a big picture for project in networks comparison

More (i.e. possibly do)

Plunging genetic algorithm, i.e. an approach used to compute metric dimension, in place of greedy algorithm in graph canonization tool we called temporally “SGIP”


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