General information for programming exercises

Exercise 1

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Deadline: 05.11.2012 9:00 a.m.

Format specifications


As input format we use the Trivial Graph Format (TGF) which is defined as follows:

0 someString0

1 someString1

2 someString2

3 someString3


0 1 weight

1 2 weight

1 3 weight

3 2 weight

First all node identifier (int) and associated node names (arbitrary strings - we limit to single words) are listed. After a single line containing only a single # symbol all directed edges are listed with their weights (double).

Your program shall be called as:

./exercise1 graph.tgf sourceId targetId

sourceId and targetId are the node identifiers (not the names!) of the source and target node for the shortest path search.


If no path form source to target exists your program shall generate the single output no path

If the graph contains negative weight cycles your program shall generate the single output infeasible

Otherwise your program shall return two lines of output first the length of the shortest path P, then the path itself e.g.


sourceId idP2 idP3 idP4 … targetId

Exercise 2

Hashing with Open Adressing

Deadline: 20.11.2012 8:00 p.m.

Exercise 3


* Implement a class skipList that implements a skipList with the following public member functions:

Deadline: 14.12.2012 9:00 a.m.

Point scheme

For each exercise you can score 4 Points, 3 for the program and 1 for the application note. For the program:
3 Pts = program runs without errors
2 Pts = program contains small errors
1 Pts = program contains critical errors
0 Pts = no program submitted

Requirements: You have to reach at least 75% of the points summed for all programming exercises


Enter your login names to the corresponding groups. Form groups of three!

Group Login Names
1 scmr, digga, hlaubish
2 lisasous, lyla, ?
3 ngenov, magdaw, mairae
4 biederj, dvinzelb, ?
5 fsiemer, dianavm, ?
6 kitty05, huetrang,flekschas
7 mattesf, stillsen, chosu
8 phieler, asandra, kselm87
9 tausch, mareikem, aeckert1
10 beny, josofie, r3p10id0
11 h3nsen, meinhart, agrigore
12 meyerclp, dvo, evelynsk
13 osterlam, kruben, dps
14 tbd.