General information for programming exercises

Exercise 1

Flux Balance Analysis

Deadline: 16.1.2013, 9:00 a.m.

Write a program that:

related links:

Exercise 2

Shortest path with pairwise vertex scores

Deadline: 30.1.2013, 9:00 a.m.

Write a program that:

Exercise 3


Deadline: 1.3.2013, 9:00 a.m.

Write a program to solve Sudoku puzzles using Gecode. A Sudoku puzzle consists of a n*n by n*n array of squares. In a valid solution:

Point scheme

For each exercise you can score 4 Points, 3 for the program and 1 for the application note. For the program:
3 Pts = program runs without errors
2 Pts = program contains small errors
1 Pts = program contains critical errors
0 Pts = no program submitted

Requirements: You have to reach at least 75% of the points summed for all programming exercises


Enter your login names to the corresponding groups. Form groups of three!

Group Login Names
1 scmr, digga, hlaubish
2 lisasous, lyla, shalini6
3 ngenov, magdaw, mairae
4 biederj, dvinzelb, dianavm
5 ---
6 kitty05, huetrang,flekschas
7 mattesf, stillsen, chosu
8 phieler, asandra, kselm87
9 tausch, mareikem, aeckert1
10 beny, josofie, r3p10id0
11 agrigore
12 meyerclp, dvo, evelynsk
13 osterlam, kruben, dps
14 h3nsen, meinhart