Online String Searching and Filtering 11.04.-06.05.
Index Data Structures 09.05.-30.05.
Review 1 11.05.
Genome Comparison and RNA Analysis 03.06.-17.06.
Review 2 08.06.
Klausur 29.06.
Individual Projects 18.06.-16.07.

Project B: FM-Index

Project C: Pigeonhole Filter
Implement the hierarchical filter (PEX) to find approximate matches of a pattern with up to k edit-errors in a text.

Project D: QUASAR
Implement QUASAR to search semi-global alignments with up to k edit-errors of patterns in a text.

Project E: Calculation of the exact q-gram threshold

Project F: Skew algorithm
Implement the skew-algorithm for the difference cover D = {1,2,4} and m = 7

Project G: Nussinov SCFG


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[1] Stefan Burkhardt, Juha Kärkkäinen, Better Filtering with Gapped q-Grams, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2003