@article{2007, jstor_articletype = {research-article}, title = {On Two Damage Accumulation Models and Their Size Effects}, author = {Ballani, F. and Stoyan, D. and Wolf, S.}, journal = {Journal of Applied Probability}, jstor_issuetitle = {}, volume = {44}, number = {1}, jstor_formatteddate = {Mar., 2007}, pages = {pp. 99-114}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/27595825}, ISSN = {00219002}, abstract = {Two cumulative damage models are considered, the inverse gamma process and a composed gamma process. They can be seen as 'continuous' analogues of Poisson and compound Poisson processes, respectively. For these models the first passage time distribution functions are derived. Inhomogeneous versions of these processes lead to models closely related to the Weibull failure model. All models show interesting size effects.}, language = {English}, year = {2007}, publisher = {Applied Probability Trust}, copyright = {Copyright © 2007 Applied Probability Trust}, } @comment{{ These records have been provided through JSTOR. http://www.jstor.org }}