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User Research for new Girls'Day WebApp


Freie Universität Berlin, Zentrale Frauenbeauftragte

Oct 14, 2013 — May 15, 2014

For the new Girls' Day web application of the Freie Universität Berlin the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Research Group conducted a user-centered and usability-oriented requirement analysis. The requirement analysis is based on the following pillars: interviews with several stakeholders of previous Girls' Days, investigation of existing Girls' Day documents, especially a Girls' Day report from 2008, a review of the existing Girls' Day software, existing other software for kids and research about software design for children.

The HCC Research Group carried out interviews with two members of the Chief Gender Equality Office at Freie Universität Berlin as well as with two members of the Local Gender Equality Offices. Both groups are responsible for the organization of the Girls' Day. We conducted four interviews with lecturers and one with participating girls from previous Girls' Days. Additionally, we included a participant’s survey of the year 2013. The existing software has been extensively tested regarding usability and its suitability for children (based on heuristics). Based on our findings, we developed paper prototypes that were evaluated by user testing with girls.