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Proseminar Logik Programmierung

In der Veranstaltung werden verschiedene Themen des Semantic Webs und der deklarativen Wissensrepräsentation und Logikprogrammierung im betrieblichen Anwendungskontext behandelt.

InstructorProf. Dr. Adrian Paschke
RoomKönigin-Luise-Str. 24 SR 017
StartOct 15, 2011
endMar 17, 2012

Dienstag 16 - 18 Uhr

Zeitraum: 17.10.2011-18.02.2012
Haupttermine: Dienstag 16 - 18 Uhr - Königin-Luisen-Str. 24 SR 017
Termin Thema Referent
22.7.11 Vorbesprechung zur Themenvergabe (16 Uhr in der Königin-Luisen-Str. 24 SR016) Adrian Paschke
18.10.11 Predicate Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic, Higher Order Logic, Semantics

Jan Gültig

25.10.11 Prolog: ISO Prolog syntax, declarative versus sequential programming constructs

Maximilian F. Müller

1.11.11 Logic Programming: Datalog, Horn Logic, Rules, Syntax of Logic Programs

Tobias Kässer

8.11.11 Semantics of Logic Programs - Proof-theoretic Semantics: Unification, SLD Resolution

Olivia Özserin

15.11.11 Theory of Logic Programing with Negation: Negation as Failure vs. classical Negation, SLDNF Resolution, two-valued Clark's completion semantics, restriction properties for complete SLDNF

Hans Ulrich Nägeli

22.11.11 Logic Programming with Negation: Stable-model Semantics

Andreas Doll

29.11.11 Logic Programming with Negation: Three-valued Well-founded Semantics

Henriette Miko

6.12.11 Logic Programming with Negation: Answer Set Semantics

fällt aus

13.12.11 Logic and databases, deductive databases

Claas Augner

10.1.12 Events and Action Logics: Event Calculus


Lucas Jacob

17.1.12 Functional Programming and Functional Reactive Programming on the example of Prova

Markus Schmidt

24.1.12 Platform Independent Rule Languages and Semantic Web Rules: RuleML and W3C RIF

fällt aus

Gabriel Pannwitz


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  • werden in der Vorbesprechung vorgestellt
  • Vorgeschlagene Themen:
    1. Predicate Logic: Propositional Logic, First Order Logic, Higher Order Logic, Semantics (Proof Theory, Model Theory, Denotational ...)
    2. Logic Programming: Datalog, Horn Logic, Rules, Syntax of Logic Programs
    3. Semantics of Logic Programs - Proof-theoretic Semantics: Unification, SLD Resolution
    4. Semantics of Logic Programs - Model-theoretic Semantics: (Minimal) Herbrand Semantics, Soundness and Completeness
    5. Theory of Logic Programing with Negation: Negation as Failure vs. classical Negation, SLDNF Resolution, two-valued Clark's completion semantics, restriction properties for complete SLDNF (stratification)
    6. Logic Programming with Negation: Three-valued Well-founded Semantics
    7. Logic Programming with Negation: Stable-model Semantics
    8. Logic Programming with Negation: Answer Set Semantics
    9. Prolog: ISO Prolog syntax, declarative versus sequential programming constructs (CUT, assert/retract, is ...)
    10. Logic and databases, deductive databases
    11. Object-oriented Frame-based Logic: Frame Logic vs. Description Logics, Slotted Knowledge Representation on the example of Flora 2 and Prova
    12. Types in Logic Programming: Procedural Attachments and Multi-Sorted (Order-Sorted) Logic Programming on the example of Prova
    13. Transaction Logics
    14. Linear Temporal Logics and Action Languages
    15. Events and Action Logics: Situation Calculus
    16. Events and Action Logics: Event Calculus
    17. Reaction Rules on the example of Prova: ECA paradigm, reactive messaging, pragmatic primitives (e.g. FIPA ACL, KQML)
    18. Functional Programming and Functional Reactive Programming on the example of Prova
    19. Platform Independent Rule Languages and Semantic Web Rules: RuleML and W3C RIF
    20. Rules and Ontologies: Homogenous and Heterogeneous Integration
    21. Rule-based Complex Event Processing
  • Weitere Themen können vorgeschlagen werden