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Studienanfang - Wintersemester 2017/18

Welcome to the department of bioinformatics

Important information for arriving students:

  1. Accounts and Mailinglist
  2. Orientation Weeks (aimed at bachelor’s students)
  3. Registration for courses
  4. First day of the semester
  5. Mentoring

1. Accounts and Mailinglist

Usually, students receive their zedat-account details with initial password together with their documents of immatriculation. If this is not the case, the ZEDAT-Account can be requested. The ZEDAT-Account authorizes the access to the computers in the ZEDAT-Pools, the wifi-connection on the campus; and it is indispensable to the registration for courses.

In addition, it is necessary to create your Fachbereichs-Account (departmental account) such that you are able to utilize the IT-Services at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The Fachbereichs-Account can be created by opening the Portal of the department and logging in with the ZEDAT User Data. After a short period, all departmental services (PC-Pools, printer, storage space) are available.

It is advisable to subscribe to the following mailing list: Ba_bioinf
Via this mailing list current events are announced.


2. Orientation Weeks: 02/10/17 - 13/10/17

Starting on 2nd October 2017 at 9:00 am in the lecture hall of Computer Science, Takustr. 9!
The orientation weeks are aimed at Bachelor’s students. However, master’s students in their first semester are welcome as well. They are not required to do the whole program but invited to attend those sessions that are interesting to them.

What to expect:

  • O-Weeks Bioinformatics
    The structure and organization of your studies as well as social life at the department and the mentoring program will be presented.
  • Bridging Course: Computer Science and Bioinformatics
    In this part of the course, the students’ mathematical foreknowledge is repeated and extended. This course is voluntary and does not bring any credits for the studies.

Link: O-Wochen WiSe 2017/18 Plan (PDF, 21.7KB)

Further Information: Mentoring Bioinformatik

3. Registration for courses

The course catalog for bioinformatics in WiSe 17/18 (StO/PO 2012) can be found here. 

The schedule for the first semester is a reasonable recommendation. However, in the individual case there might be reasons for deviations. The mentors give advice.

The registration for all courses takes place via Campus Management. The period of registration is 1st – 31st October. During the orientation weeks the important details are provided. If you cannot participate, please contact the mentors.

Registration for the tutorials at the department of mathematics and computer science takes place via KVV.

4. First day of the semester

Start of classes in WS 17/18 : Monday, 16th October 2017.

General Welcome Session for bachelor’s students (first semester) in Wintersemester 2017/18 (in German):

  • Date: Monday, 16th October 2017 at 9:15 am
  • Place: großer Hörsaal in Takustraße 9

    (for further information, see the German version of this website)

Special Introduction and Welcome Session for master’s students (first semester) in Wintersemester 2017/18 (in English):

  • Date: Monday, 16th October 2017 at 4:15 pm (presumably)
  • Place: SR 025/26 in Arnimallee 6

Further information about this event as well as current information for master’s students can be found here.

Lectures start on Tuesday, 17th October 2017, while tutorials (usually) start one week later.

5. Mentoring

The mentoring team of the department of bioinformatics consists of experienced students who offer support and advice on any question about the studies or campus life.